
Ravi Vatrapu (Copenhagen Business School)

Teaching Analytics: Concepts, Methods, and Tools

Abstract:Ravi Vatrapu

Teaching Analytics is conceived as a subfield of learning analytics that focuses on the design, development, evaluation, and education of visual analytics methods and tools for teachers in primary, secondary, and tertiary educational settings.  Teaching analytics aims to develop innovative solutions to assist and augment teachers dynamic diagnostic decision-making in the classrooms of the 21st century. An example usage scenario (but not limited to) is the use of teaching analytics methods and tools in high-performance classrooms that are characterized by 1:1 computing, high cognitive density, and big data. Drawing from the two international workshops (TapTA 2012 & IWTA 2013) and the NEXT-TELL EU project, this talk will identify challenges and opportunities, highlight emerging concepts, methods and tools, and outline directions for future work.

Related publications:

Sørum, H., Andersen, K.N., & Vatrapu, R. (2012). Public Services and Human Computer Interaction: An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Website Quality and User Satisfaction. Behavior and Information Technology, 31(7), 697-706.

Andersen, K.N., Medaglia, R., Vatrapu, R., Henriksen, H,Z., & Gauld, R. (2011). The Forgotten Promise of E-Government Maturity: Assessing Responsiveness in the Digital Public Sector. Government Information Quarterly, 28(4), 439-445.

Nardi, B., Vatrapu, R., & Clemmensen, T. (2011). Comparative Informatics. interactions, , 18(2), 28-33.

Vatrapu, R., & Suthers, D. (2010). Intra- and Inter-Cultural Usability in Computer Supported Collaboration. Journal of Usability Studies, 5(4), 172-197.

Robertson, S., Vatrapu, R., & Medina, R. (2010). Off the Wall Political Discourse: Facebook Use in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election. Information Polity, 15(1-2), 11-31.

Robertson, S., Vatrapu, R., & Medina, R. (2010). Online Video “Friends” Social Networking: Overlapping Online Public Spheres in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election. Journal of Information Technology & Politics. 7(2), 182-201.

Suthers, D., Dwyer, N., Medina, R., & Vatrapu, R. (2010). A Framework for Conceptualizing, Representing and Analyzing Distributed Mediated Interaction. International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 5(1), 5-42.

Robertson, S.P., & Vatrapu, R.K. (2010). Digital government. In B.  Cronin (Ed.), Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, Volume 44, Chapter  8, pp. 317-364.

Vatrapu, R. (2008). Cultural Considerations in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(2), 159-201.

Suthers, D., Vatrapu, R., Medina, R., Joseph, S., & Dwyer, N. (2008). Beyond Threaded Discussion: Representational Guidance in Asynchronous Collaborative Learning Environments. Computers and Education, 50(4), 1103-1127.

Vatrapu, R., & Pérez-Quiñones, M. (2006). Culture and Usability Evaluation: The Effects of Culture in Structured Interviews. Journal of Usability Studies, 1(4), 156-170.

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